IIPSO designs and develops guidelines and certifications that offer organizations the possibility of accrediting and validating their activity and services in accordance with the most demanding international standards in health safety and the environment
Certifications & Guidelines

IIPSO provides scientific advice to organizations for their evolution and adaptation to business scenarios and paradigms in which technical and scientific aspects are increasingly relevant. Scientific elements into the organizations contributes to increasing their value and differentiation
Adaptation & Evolution

IIPSO brings to organizations open and ad hoc training contents that allow them to incorporate professionals specialized in corporate environment, health and safety which will contribute to their corporate development in the new competitive environments

IIPSO designs and develops certifications and guidelines that offer organizations the possibility of accrediting and validating their activity and services in accordance with the most demanding international standards in health safety and the environment

IIPSO provides scientific advice to organizations for their evolution and adaptation to business scenarios and paradigms in which technical and scientific aspects are increasingly relevant. Scientific elements into the organizations contributes to increasing their value and differentiation

IIPSO brings to organizations open and ad hoc training contents that allow them to incorporate professionals specialized in corporate environment, health and safety which will contribute to their corporate development in the new competitive environments

The Institute
innovation, validation, certification, education..., science for sustainables organizations

The International Institute for Promotion of Science and Health in Organizations (IIPSO) is a non-profit organization based in London and Geneva, whose main objective is to promote the incorporation and encourage of science in organizations, both public and privates.
By incorporating elements and components of science into organizations, through the design, development, and implementation of scientific-based guidelines, programs and certifications, IIPSO helps organizations incorporate the most demanding and innovative standards in health, safety, and environmental management, contributing to their sustainable development, while improving levels of corporate and public health, safety, and well-being.
Health, safety, climate, innovation, environment,
sustainability, ... science
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we introduce and promote science in organizations, helping them to incorporate corporate health and safety, climate and environmental programs, validating their activity and services according to the most demanding international standards

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We are looking for highly motivated and talented professionals to join our team of science drivers in organizations. Visit our talent center to join the IIPSO experience!
we are looking for highly motivated and talented professionals to join our team of science drivers in organizations

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